Lalitpur District issues citizenship to transgender under “O” category

Lalitpur District issues citizenship to transgender under “O” category

Lalitpur (Pahichan) July 2- District Administration Office Lalitpur has issued citizenship to three transgender mentioning “O” (others) in gender category. Rukshana Kapali, 16, who lives in Patan, Karuna Bista, a resident from Imadol and Kusum Shrestha received citizenship under O category.

After Supreme Court order which was followed by Ministry Directives, District Administration Offices are issuing citizenship to homosexual and transgender. Ruxam has expressed happiness for receiving citizenship. “We are advocating mentioning O category in the educational certificates as well,” said Ruxam.

Rukshana Kapali passed SLC exam this year.  “We failed to receive SCL certificate mentioning O category,” Rukshana added.  He was of the view that people who received citizenship under wrong category should be again distributed with correct gender category. Blue Diamond Society has filed a case at court demanding to redistribute citizenship who already received under wrong category. Anika Rana has filed the case at Supreme Court; however, there has not been any discussion on it. Advocate Sujan Pant said the writ has not received priority yet.

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