Kabita pardons miscreants after receiving compensation

Kabita pardons miscreants after receiving compensation

Indira Neupane/Hetauda ( Pahichan) July 6-  A homosexual couple of Hetauda Dhiyal Village Development Committee- 5 has pardoned some individuals after taking some compensation. Those individuals were engaged in various kinds of torture to them. Kabita pardoned her close relative and other four individual urging them to realize their mistakes, and not to repeat such mistake in coming days.

Those people were giving torture to Lalit (Lalit) and Kabita who are living together as homosexual. Those people attached thrashed Kabita on Ashad 1. The couple left the village after the fear and complained at Blue Diamond Society and Police.

They also lodged complaints at police. On Ashad 10, police brought them at police office. They confessed their mistakes and apologized. Kabita said they are facing humiliation and insult from their own close relatives including brother.

Kabita expressed deep concern for such insult and humiliation. Individuals involved in manhandling agreed to pay 25,000 as compensation and agreed not to repeat abusive words in coming days. They also agreed to face jail term if they repeat the mistake.  Blue Diamond Society Hetuada chapter said they would institutionally lodge file in coming days if such mistakes are repeated.

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