Transgender objected for not mentioning their category in feedback collection form of constitution

Transgender objected for not mentioning their category in feedback collection form of constitution

Bardiya(Pahichan) July 15—Sexual and gender minorities have expressed serious objection for mentioning only man and women sections in the form prepared to collect public opinion on preliminary draft of constitution.  They expressed dissatisfaction at public hearing organized at District Administration Office Bardiya on the draft constitution.

Sapana Chaudhary, Chair of Blue Diamond Society District Wings said after their objection, administration mentioned transgender category in the form.  At the program, transgender said like the rights of male and female the rights of sexual minorities should be included in equality right.

They also demanded that either they should be incorporated in the various commissions or a separate commission should be formulated to ensure their rights. The provision of reservation, legalizing same sex marriage are the other demands put forth by transgender. In the public hearing along with Chair Chaudhary, Kajal Chudhary, Laxmi Chaudhary and Shila Chaudhary were present.

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