Nepal’s constitution to be fifth constitution of world that enshrines the rights of gender and sexual minorities

Nepal’s constitution to be fifth constitution of world that enshrines the rights of gender and sexual minorities

Kathmandu(Pahichan) July 22 – Nepal’s constitution is going to be a very important for the gender and sexual minorities of across the world. According to Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinki Gurung, Nepal’s constitution will be the fifth constitution of world that clearly enshrines the rights of gender and sexual minorities.

Till now, only the constitution of Portugal, Ecuador, South Africa and Bolibhiya have mentioned the rights of this community in their constitution.

At a program organized at Basundhara for the collation of feedback on draft constitution, Gurung asked not to delete the words from the constitution. She demanded that rights of this community should be incorporated in the fundamental rights of constitution.

The program was attended by Law Minister Nara Hari Acharya. “This constitution should be a model constitution for the world and rights. She said new constitution should be third-gender friendly so that there would be representation of this community in the policy making level.

Gurung demanded that in the proposed inclusive commission, there should be the representation of gender and sexual minorities. Similarly, at the program organized at Rupandhei transgender Aanika Rana said members of this community should get the right to walk freely. She demanded reservation in state mechanism like Dalit, Muslim, and Janajati among others.

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