Gender and sexual minorities express serious objection over suggestions provided by Nepal Bar

Gender and sexual minorities express serious objection over suggestions provided by Nepal Bar

Kathmandu(pahichan) July 22- Gender and sexual minorities have expressed serious objection over the feedback submitted by Nepal Bar Association on preliminary draft of constitution concerning sexual and gender minorities. The Association has suggested removing the sexual orientation and gender identity on which homosexuals and transgender have expressed reservation. They also suggested correcting their submission and respect the rights of marginalized communities.  

Sunil Babu Pant, a veteran campaigner of this community said Bar has requested to remove the provision through a use of very clever language. “It is very unfortunate that even the legal fraternity has made such suggestions,” said Pant. Stating that problems of some individual should not be the official position of Bar.

He asked not to express any hates against gender and sexual minorities. Similarly, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinki Gurung and Executive Director Manisha Dhakal also expressed serious objection. They dispatch a letter in the name of Association drawing the attention over their recommendation. “The umbrella organization of lawyers Nepal Bar Association is against the rights of minority and marginalized community which is totally wrong. In the letter it is mentioned that it is a very light and superficial judgment of Bar. In the constitution of South Africa, Boliviya and Equador sexual orientation and gender identity has been mentioned in the country.

Pant has written a letter to the Chairman of Nepal Bar Association Hari Krishna Karki. “Though some points of Bar Association appear nice, the suggestions related to gender and sexual minorities has made us sad,” Pant said in the letter.

“One and half year ago at a public program, you had said that Bar is committed for the protection of rights of sexual and gender minorities,” the letter further reads, ” It would be better to play vital role by Bar to make and atmosphere for the people the people to express their identity who are concealing for the long time. He asked to correct the letter.

Similarly , UNAIDS has said that it would like to drove the message that message that existing provisions in the draft Constitution on the rights of sexual and gender minorities could be even further improved by including respect for, protection of, and equal rights for individuals with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities” (Art. 29, Art. 23), – thus even expanding the current draft to include “Gender Identities,” in addition to “Sexual Orientation,” and highlighting “Respect and Protection.”  “We are concerned about any movement to exclude rights of sexual and gender minorities, as fundamental principles, from this Supreme Law of the Land,” Dr. Ruben F. del Prado  said.

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