UCPN(Maoist) stands in favor of gender and sexual minorities

UCPN(Maoist) stands in favor of gender and sexual minorities

Kathmandu (Pahichan) August 2 -The UCPN (Maoist) has urged to ensure the rights of gender and sexual minorities in the draft constitution. The party is of the view that new constitution should ensure the rights to live in a respectful way of this community.

According to Vice-Chairman Narayan Kaji Shrestha, UCPN (Maoist) has suggested to make arrangements in the new constitution so that members of this community could live with dignity and respect.

The party is of the view that this community should get social and cultural rights maintaining their identity along with receiving special facilities and benefits from the state.

 He said Maoist has provided suggestions that there should be representation of this community in the state organs on the basis of inclusive and proportional representation.

According to him, as some rights of this community has not been incorporated in draft constitution, party has suggested to include them in final version. “Our party is of the view that this community should get more rights in new constitution,” Shrestha told Pahichan online.

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