Ministry to providing vocation training to gender and sexual minorities

Ministry to providing vocation training to gender and sexual minorities

Kathmandu (Pahichan) August 7 – For the first time, government is all set to launch a vocational training and other awareness program targeting gender and sexual minorities. Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare held discussions with Blue Diamond Society and representatives of other organization about conducting such program.

Joint Secretary Shankar Prasad Pathak program will be conducted by a small grant to provide a message to that community. The purpose of such training is to make them self-employed. Pathak said 2, 00000 to 300000 budget has been allocated for this community.  At a discussion held at the office of Pathak, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinki Gurung said they are struggling hard to survive due to economic problem. Gurung said family, society and state are not providing any assistance to the members of this community. She said members of this community are not getting the opportunity of education. “We are also facing problems in health as well,” Gurung said.

Executive Director of Society Manisha Dhakal public service announcement should be broadcasted from government media for ending the discrimination and violence against this community. She asked to inform other Ministry about the gender and sexual minorities. She underlined the need of door-to-door campaign of this community along with formulating policy for this community. Speaking to Pachichan, Pathak said discussions are underway on same-sex marriage report. He informed that discussions are underway about the implementation of the report of Commission.

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