Hotline service becoming fruitful

Hotline service becoming fruitful

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 4 – We have set up a hotline service in Blue Diamond Society. People across the country can call here to ask their curiosity regarding transgender and our community. We have appointed a hotline operator for the same purpose.  Basically, our work is to give counseling about sex, gender and sexuality and all about LGBTI.

People who are not aware of their sexual orientation and gender identity can call here and visit our office, and define themselves who they are and what their sexual orientation and gender identity is. People who are curious to know about third gender and blue diamond society they can also call here. There are many cases where people have called here for many inquire. We have prepared some success cases.

A person called here to know about third gender issue. At first, he was very nervous and he asked about Blue Diamond Society. Again after two days he called and asked about LGBTI and after that started to call here frequently to know more about third gender about Blue Diamond Society.

After few weeks he visited our office. We counseled him about blue diamond society, LGBTI, third gender status in brief. At first day in office he was very nervous and silent but after few visits he shared us that he found himself gay.

As he was attracted to male from the very beginning but was not able to understand what is happening to him. He was scared to share this with anyone because he feels he will be discriminated from friends and family as our society do not accept easily.

Now, he is very happy that he got know what his sexual orientation and gender identity is. He doesn’t feel alone anymore and he is more confident now. In future he wished to be part of our organization and support our movement.

Anuj Rai (Petter) And Elyn Bhanderi

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