Pant requests US Embassy to change visa application form to make it minority friendly

Pant requests US Embassy to change visa application form to make it minority friendly

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 7 – Sunil Babu Pant, former lawmaker has requested US embassy in Kathmandu to change its visa application form so that Gender and Sexual Minority community holding passport which indicates “other” as a gender category can place an visa application from to travel to USA when needed. 

“I am also happy to inform you that Nepal placed itself among a handful of countries in the world to allow ‘other’ as a gender category in passports,” he said.

“We believe US embassy now will ensure equal treatment and dignity for all Gender and Sexual Minority community of Nepal by making the visa form inclusive,” Pant said in a letter written to John Carwile, Charge d’ Affairs, US Embassy in Kathmandu.

“Or let us know if you need an official letter or memo from Nepal government, we will happy to liaise with our foreign ministry of Nepal. Thank you for your much anticipated prompt action on this genuine and serious matter of human rights of marginalized population globally,” Pant said.

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