Ensure citizenship on the basis of identity: Home Minister Basnet

Ensure citizenship on the basis of identity: Home Minister Basnet

Kathmandu (Pahichan) November 16 – Home Minister Shakti Basnet has directed concerned authorities to issue citizenship on the basis of identity. Minister Basnet made such remark in a meeting with a team of homosexual and transgender. The team of homosexual and transgender said despite the order from Home Ministry, there are still hassles to get citizenship on the basis of identity.  

“The constitution has provisioned to issue citizenship on basis of identity and in an equal manner,” Basnet said adding that personal attitude of government officials should not affect the process of issuing citizenship.

ShaktiMinister directed Joint Secretary Binod KC to issue directives to the districts which are creating problems to issue citizenship. In a meeting with Former Lawmaker Sunil Babu Pant, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society, Deputy Director Parshuram Rai and Program Officer of Norwegian Project Bisoraj Adhikari, Minister Basnet directed officials to correct mistakes. There was also a discussion on how to issue the directives. “This issue has been clearly articulated in the constitution, District Administration Offices have already issued citizenship under O category.  I will issue directives if there are any problems and confusions,” said KC.

Ministry of Home Affairs has issued directives on 2069 Poush 16 to issue citizenship on homosexual and transgender mentioning O in gender category. Later Son of Santosh Panta transplanted the women organ and applied to get citizenship. Ministry issued other directives on the basis of medical report.  However, there are still problems to get citizenship.

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