New laws should be human rights friendly : NHRC

New laws should be human rights friendly : NHRC

Lalitpur (Pahichan) November 28 – National Human Rights Commission has said that the new laws should be human rights friendly. In a meeting with Blue Diamond Society, Commission underlined human right friendly laws. Member of Commission Mohana Ansari said new constitution has ensured the rights of gender and sexual minority. “No one should be discriminated on the basis of gender. Commission has underlined the need of laws to implement constitutional provisions,” said Ansari.  

She suggested identifying themselves in the society. “In the first Constituent Assembly, there was representation of this community but there was zero representation in second CA,” said Ansari. “Why sexual orientation has been removed from constitution?  She asked.

Secretary at Commission Bedprasad Bhattarai said there has been progress towards ensuring the rights of gender and sexual minority. He said if gender and sexual minority terms are removed intentionally, there will be correction.

“The discrimination against homosexual, transgender and intersex and unlawful detention is against human right,” said Bhattarai. According to him, they are recruiting trainee staffs from homosexual and transgender community. Public Relation Office Basudev Bagagai though they have heard of discrimination and violence, commission has not received any complaints.

Aayog 1Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society, Manisha Dhakal said commission has a vital role to play for the implementation of rights enshrined in new constitution. “The role and responsibility of state will not be fulfilled passports and citizenship under O category. The state should bring policy and program to make this community capable in terms of economic income,” said Dhakal. Dhakal said a report regarding legalizing same-sex marriage is gathering dust.  Commission should take lead to forward commission to Legal Ministry and start the process of law-making, Dhakal said. Transgender rights activist Bhumika Shrestha said police is taking detention to the members of this community while walking in the street without any reasons.

Another transgender rights activist Bhakti Shah said in 2015, 36 members of this community faced violence. Shah said though commission receives complaints it would not take action to anyone. Legal Advisor Prem Bahadur Thapa said the role of National Human Rights Commission is vital one for the implementation of rights mentioned in the constitution.

According to Thapa, commission removed gender and sexual minority from its strategic planning. He asked why this has been removed from planning. Transgender Anusha Lama said she is denied from higher education due to their transgender identity.

“I did not get chance to study, family expelled me, I am compelled to adopt sex provision to survive myself,” Lama said. Lama said though she lodged complaints at NHRC, the issue has not been addressed.

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