Greece Parliament legalizes same-sex marriage

Greece Parliament legalizes same-sex marriage

Kathmandu/Pahichan – The Greece Parliament has legalized same-sex marriage, a major concern of gender and sexual minority. The parliament endorsed a bill about legalizing same-sex marriage.

Opposition parties were demanding to pass the law and they have welcomed the passage of bill. Earlier, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Europe have legalized same-sex marriage. However, some southern and eastern European country is making a very slow progress.

The new law has resolved property and inheritance issues but it has not addressed the issue of adoption of children, one of the major issues. “This is an import day for human rights,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told Parliament. The law was supported by 193 lawmakers out of 249 present, with 56 voting against it. Amnesty International hailed the move as a “historic step” but noted that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons still faced hostility in Greece.

In Nepal, a report on same-sex marriage is gathering a dust and there has not been any efforts to make law on the basis of report submitted by commisison.

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