The role of media in achieving rights vital : BDS

The role of media in achieving rights vital : BDS

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 26 – Blue Diamond Society(BDS) has said that role of media is vital in its campaign of securing rights for gender and sexual minority. They expressed such opinion at an inauguration of Basic Journalism Training for the members of gender and sexual minority.

Talim 1They appreciated the role of media. Executive Director of Society Manisha Dhakal said media has contributed a lot till now. “We have received some rights and role of media is noteworthy, we received rights due to the role of media,” said Dhakal.

“Homosexual and transgender are facing discrimination due to the lack of knowledge,” Dhakal said, “The role of Radio is vital one due to its wide reach and coverage,” he said. She underlined the need of launching campaigns in the districts and role of media in districts is high. “Local people should report at local office of National Human Rights Commission, they should inform all stakeholders about this community,” said Dhakal. She said a future roadmap should be prepared on the basis of agenda raised by two-day worships. “I hope the issue of our community will be strengthened,” said Dhakal.

Deputy Director of Society Parshuram Rai the role of Radio program Pahichan is vital one for securing the rights of this community. “There were the problems of documentation, the Radio program has fulfilled the gap,” said Rai adding that it has helped for the proper documentation. He said media, advocates and organization is necessary for the survival of any organization. He expressed the hope that the role of media would be more effective to make society strengthened. Altogether 20 people are taking training on basic journalism. The program was supported by Norwegian Embassy and members of gender and sexual minority are attending training.

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