This community should get respect:  Gurung

This community should get respect:  Gurung

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 25 – Film Director Rambabu Gurung has said that it is not a crime to be homosexual. He said that it is a gift of god.  “All the members of this community should be respected and should not be discriminated,” he said that same-sex marriage should be legalized.

He said that there are not reasons for opposing same-sex marriage.  He said that people’s choices of same-sex marriage should be legalized. He said that individual’s rights should be respected.

He said it is tragic that members of this community are presented as a comedy in the society. “All people in the society are equal and they have the self-dignity. They should be treated in an equal way,” said Gurung adding that he has never presented the members of this community in a negative way.

Asked about the possibility of representation of this community in the films, he said he is ready to accommodate the members of this community in the film.

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