Gay NYC councilman threatened for opposing Trump

Gay NYC councilman threatened for opposing Trump

by  (Pahichan) November 20 – NYC Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer has received a death threat because the Democrat is opposed to US President-elect Donald Trump.

The gay politician, who represents a section of Queens, received an email this past Thursday. According to DNAInfo, the note was received after the councilman sent out an email announcing a 19 November march to protest the president-elect (Trump was born in Queens).

New York City has five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

‘Rest of the people from Queens do not agree with your homosexual lifestyle, so get the fuck out of this country, you fucking traitor,’ the anonymous writer said.

‘I will keep a close eye on your every moves so that when it’s time to execute traitors, I will try my best so that you name is included in that list of traitors,’ the note continued. ‘Execution is the penalty for a traitor, that is the Law Of This Land!’

The police are investigating the threat. Van Bramer refused to cancel the march.

‘We still plan on marching tomorrow and fighting the racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic demagoguery of Donald Trump,’  the councilman said in a 18 November statement, according to DNAInfo.

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