Nepal’s intersex children seeks social justice

Nepal’s intersex children seeks social justice


DSC08808Sanjita Ghimire/kathmandu, March 7– Madan Prasad Kurmi, 33, from Bara was a worker at brick factory in Nawalparasi. He was far from his village to earn money for the fulfillment of basic requirement of his wife a son and a daughter.

One day when madan was working, he got a phone call that he became a father of one more son. He became so happy. But after the sixth day of his sons birth he again got a call from his wife. At this time it was sad news!

DSC08803His wife informed madan that the newly born baby is sick and he needs to be with them. So, madan went to his home leaving the work and found that the baby is not sick rather his sexual organ was not separated. They were so surpraised of the baby. They took the baby to the hospital at Raxual, India and identified that the baby is intersex.

The doctors in the hospital suggested him to go to Patna for treatment that cost 2 lakh IC which was not an affordable price for the poor father. So, Madan didn’t thought about the treatment and took care of the baby.

Slowly the baby grew older and madan admitted the baby at school near by his village. He further explains at school everybody looks mandip differently. So, one of the neighbor brother of Madan told the teacher who was also a journalist about the baby. The teacher along with two other journalist from kantipur and Annapurna daily went to his house and wrote about mandip in their newspaper.
Luckily, sunil Babu Panta, the founder of Blue Diamond Society, read the newspaper and phoned madan. He went to meet Madan and helpd him for the check up of the baby and also called him to Kathmandu bearing all the cost. Panta helped Madan to get the birth certificate of his child. He also provided the job of office assistant to Madan. He suggested madan to put an application in Human Right office and also to the women and children ministry. Last week Madan had come to Kathmandu along with his son to get the letter for district office at Bara for identification card of his child. Madan believes that after getting identification card his son will get all those facilities that the baby lacks because of being intersex. He told that just because of being intersex his son is biased of getting scholarship at school.

Madan_Prasad_Kurmi0003According to madan for the people like Mandip the major problem is at toilet. They are soo confused about toilet where to go either in boys or in girls. They most of the time get scolded by the people. “Mandip is not only the child that falls under homosexual but there are other 5 or 6 children but their parents are hiding it because of fear of prestige”, says Manad.

He further explains “at first I also used to take it so seriously but when I get knowledge from BDS I don’t worry about it any more simply because it’s a natural process and any one can be like may son. And since BDS provided me motivation and support I can now fight for the rights of my son and can aware other people of the village to fight for the rights of their son rather than hide it”.
Madan expects the facility of education and the dignity for his son as other normal children from government.
The situation of Nepal regarding the third gender have not improved yet. we can find lots of parents hiding the truth that their child is heterosexual. In such condition Madan have got the courage to explore the truth and proved himself as a best father and as an example by fighting for the rights for his intersex son.Madan_Prasad_Kurmi

If every parents became like Madan and his wife then no heterosexual people have to be worry for just they are different from other people. And the organization like BDS is also a major place of hope from where such people got courage to fight for their human rights and dignity. So, why we people praise the great work of Madan as a supportive father and BDS for its support and motivation for those people.

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